Saturday, March 9, 2013

A sucker for an illustrated product

illustrated products - arty frog

I have to admit its one of my true weak spots and is something which now has gone haywire after having Finn, there are so many lovely illustrated things for children that its hard not to buy them all. In someways its like only became an illustrator because I love illustrated things.
To make sure I don't buy everything in sight, I have composed a questionnaire. Before I purchase anything I ask myself will he really use that? If so for how long? and do we have the room for it? This has helped in a lot of situations.
That being said my latest purchase were the Artfrog plates, bowls and cup (the Rosti Mepal were a present) they have lovely dinnerware designs. With these I cunningly justified them as a necessity, they can be used everyday for a long time, and Finn (plus myself) will no doubt get a lot of enjoyment out of them. Its just a shame they don't have an adults dinner set, or maybe thats a good thing.


today my way said...

Lovely plates, my daughter would love them xx

amanda joseph said...

bamboo dinnerware manufacturer